NGU Business Group’s
founder started trading business in 1988 and ever since our
beginning trade has been running our veins.

Solar Convergence Business
In order to realize a green future with new and renewable energy, NGU has newly built the Solar Convergence Business Division based on sunlight.

By applying solar energy and energy-preservation systems to landscape facilities based on an independent production line of the sunlight module, the Solar Convergence Business Division aims to commercialize a service for citizens that grafts ICT technology on fields such as daily life, environment, safety, traffic, and climate and which is not restricted by location. It develops diverse new items such as pergolas, benches, street lights, bus stops, outdoor billboards and NGU is in charge of production and management of the entire manufacturing process, from design to mapping, construction and A/S.
The company’s main product, NGU Smart Bench, has been equipped with a smart-device charging system, LED light, LTE CCTV system via an LTE router, a weather system, and an emergency telephone control device to allow collection of information on the surrounding situation. A kiosk to allow information on events and tourism policies by the local government and government offices has also been added, making it a landscape facility fully equipped in terms of aesthetics, functionality, and convenience.

Solar Convergence Business
엔지유는 신재생에너지로 만드는 녹색미래를 위해 태양광에 기반한 융복합사업부를 신설하였습니다.

융복합사업부는 태양광 모듈의 자체 생산라인을 기반으로 태양광에너지와 에너지저장시스템을 조경시설물에 적용하여 장소에 구애받지 않고 생활·환경·안전·교통·기후 등의 분야에 ICT 기술을 접목한 대시민 서비스 상용화를 목표로 하고 있으며 퍼걸러, 벤치, 가로등, 버스승강장, 옥외광고판 등의 다양한 신규 아이템을 개발하고 디자인부터 설계, 제작, 시공, A/S에 이르기까지의 모든 공정을 직접 생산·관리하고 있습니다.
대표제품인 NGU 스마트벤치는 스마트기기 충전시스템, LED 경관조명을 비롯, LTE라우터를 통한 LTE CCTV 시스템, 기상관측시스템, 비상통화관제장치 등을 장착하여 주변상황에 대한 정보를 수집하고 지자체 및 관공서의 행사·관광 정보 제공을 위한 키오스크의 추가탑재까지 가능한 조경시설물로서 심미성과 기능성, 편의성을 모두 갖추었습니다.